Wisdom of the Mineral
Emiko Miyashita, Facebook: 炎天下、日本橋から銀座経由で有楽町まで歩いた、用事をぽつらぽつら片付けながら(冷房有難い)。帰宅してすぐに小玉西瓜を二分の一食べちゃった!途中で気が付いて昔の人のようにお塩ぱらぱら振ってみた。美味しい!これは先人の知恵、ミネラル補給だわ。小一時間休んだら、また電車に乗ってひーちゃんの保育園のお迎えです! Emiko Miyashita, Google Translate: On the other hand, I had to go to yurakucho by nihonbashi, from nihonbashi to yurakucho, and then I came home, and I had a half-half of the threaded. I noticed it on the way, and I shook it as old as the old man. Delicious! This is the wisdom of your predecessor, mineral. Let's get some rest of the day and get on the train again!