
Showing posts from January, 2018

Got News, Part 3

What I didn’t record of you will die with people who I will never meet. Perhaps a step-brother took one shot in a home movie where you spoke, probably mumbling, probably looking down and away from the camera. Maybe directly into the lens, laughing over what you said so it’s unintelligible.  I’ve never seen it.     sparrow bobs     a beeline is the line     a cat makes Pearl Pirie Read Got News, Part 1 and Part 2

from "A Thousand Years" (Wordless)

A friend once asked me why I would want to devote my entire life to writing haiku. I could tell by her tone of voice that what she really was asking was why I would want to waste my entire life writing haiku. I told her that I wrote haiku because I did not feel that I was capable of attaining enlightenment by serving tea.            the first snow            if I write it disappears            the first snow Marco Fraticelli

New Year Tanka

new year’s day making the same old roast forever in the afterlife Yoko's Dogs